
Thursday 27 June 2019


For the last week we have been doing inquiry. For inquiry Mrs McQuinnietys group have been doing four different activity's. The first activity was making a parachute for a Lego figure jumping from a bean stalk. The next one was making a tower out of news paper and masking tape to hold a, basket ball for 10 seconds. The one after that was you had to make a a car out of a plastic bottle to hold an egg and go down a ramp without breaking the egg. The last one was you had to make a bridge what can hold a cup with one hundred cent coins in it. (Or 340g) We didn't get to test because of illness.

Friday 21 June 2019

grid map

Today in strand Maths we had to make a map 8 by 8. We had a star in the middle and it was a person what we had to make and crazy path the a question mark. We could only use 90 degrees, 180 degrees, 270 degrees and 360 degrees. After we finished we got a partner and we went outside and used a big grid (Not that big) and made our partner step it out. The grid was drawn with chalk so we kept on having to draw some of the lines again. The hard part was writing the instructions and the easy part was making the map.

Thursday 20 June 2019

Who am I?

For the past few days in literacy we have been writing a who am I about yourself. We had to use as many similes and metaphors as possible, for example They've got brown eyes brown as oiled wood. First we wrote the Guess who then we printed it and last we drew a picture and stuck a piece of paper over it. I found easy was writing things about me and the hard part was drawing a picture.

Thursday 13 June 2019

Sticking together. Place Value Addition

Today for Maths we have been learning to solve big problems using place value. We found some of the bigger problems were harder but some were easy. Has your Maths class done place value addition before? Please comment if you have.

Tuesday 11 June 2019

The Lost World

For the last few days we have been doing a buddy writing. It's been really fun doing it and writing about a story. I'm in a group with Jed and Lucas. What we have been writing about The Lost World. It's about when the main character James goes to The Lost World. Here's our writing so far because we haven't really finished. I will update this when I have finished this story.

There once was a kid that was named James. That had a Mum and Dad that would tell stories about the, lost city of Atlantis before James goes to school. One day at school he went to the main hall then saw, a girl who was named Sally who had a key stone, on her necklace but when
James saw her he saw a kid named Jerome. He went up to James and shoved James in his locker and said, “What you looking at four eyes?” But James didn’t reply Jerome said, “I said what, are you, LOOKING AT!” then James said “I just want to have a drink at the water fountain and I,
need these glasses so my eyes will not get hurt from the sun and because I don’t have good vision.” The next day James went to school

again without his glasses but when, he was about to go inside his school he saw a glow a blue watery glow at the back of the school. So he snuck

to the of the back of the school, then peeked at the back of the school then saw Sally, but she looked different she had blue glowing tiger eyes, elf ears, webbed feet, and a spear, then her stone glowed then there was a portal, then she jumped into it then James gasped then he ran into the

Portal then he was in water, then tried to get to the top of the sea then was running out of breath then stopped, then didn’t make it but didn’t suffocate he was breathing, in the water then he screamed then he said, “Woooow!” then he went to the top of the sea then saw nothing except

the sun, and the clouds he went back under the sea then saw Sally she went inside a hole, then he swam down there to the hole then he went inside. Once he swam through he froze in a shock because he saw a city underwater. It was Atlantis! Then he swam to it then saw mermaids,
mermaids and so much fish then James talked to a merman and said, “What is this place?” then the merman said, “This is Atlantis.” than James whispered, “I knew it!” then he explored the city he saw markets, homes, hotel, and a big palace. James saw another merman then said

What is this palace then the merman said, “it is the Alisia palace” then Jame swam closer To the palace. Then went closer then there merguards that stopped James then said, “Where do you think your going kid?” Then james said, “I want to go in the palace” The merguards

said, “Sorry your not allowed to go in because there's a meeting inside.” then James elbowed the guards