
Thursday 27 February 2020

Buddy class/school and what does Empathy mean?

In HR we had a scavenger hunt to find out which class is our buddy class and we had to learn what does Empathy mean. This is about like we do art and writing and then we send it to them. We have a kit/box full of all the stuff we need. There's a bunch of 3-D glasses. All of this is for the book of the road. We also got, a page with stuff what we need the 3-D glasses for. Now onto the scavenger hunt. The teachers put up a slide of some clues. We could do anything to find out what school/class it was. The first clue was the school was on state highway one. then another of the clues was the school was in the north island. One of the last clues was that the school was in Cambridge. The school is St Peters in Cambridge Nz. St Peters is a private school. Empathy is where you are respectful and kind to others. It's also where you listen to others feelings and ideas. What do you know about St Peters?

Wednesday 26 February 2020

Procedural Writing

Today in Hurumanu 3 we learnt about procedural writing. Procedural Writing is where you write down what your materials are at what your ingredients are. Then you write the steps on how to make or do something. We had to find out the ingredients and materials well mainly what we had for breakfast. Then we had to do a step by step on how you make your breakfast. Then we had to do a conclusion. The conclusion is where we had to say what was easier and what you can also do. Here's my Procedural Writing.

Yoghurt and plain bread

  • Bag of bread
  • Yoghurt
  • Spoon
  • plate

  • 1 or 2 pieces Bread
  • 1 Yoghurt

Steps: Grab a spoon from the drawer or cupboard
Then grab your Yoghurt out of the fridge and put the spoon with your Yoghurt on the bench/breakfast table.
Next get the bag of bread out of the cupboard as well as a plate.
After that put all of the stuff on the bench/breakfast table.
Then open the bag of bread and take out 1 or 2 pieces of bread and put the pieces on your plate.
Now you can open your Yoghurt and enjoy your breakfast.

Conclusion: I recommend having 2 pieces of bread because it fills you up more. It’s actually easier if you also grab a drink so you can eat the bread better.

Thursday 13 February 2020

Tangata Whenua. Who are we Hurumanu.

Today in Hur 1 we got to watch a video. It was about Tangata Whenua. While Answering questions on the sheet we got given. Here is one of the questions. The stuff they brought to NZ was some crops like Kumara, taro and mullberries. It was hard to hear the answers so the teacher/'s wrote it down on the board. It was so we didn't forget and we could find out what some of the answers were.

One of the other question was how did the Moa go extinct. They got hunted by the Moari and the rats and dogs killed the eggs. The Moa only laid one to two eggs a year. In the movie a couple chased a giant Octopus who has been stealing all their fish. They stumbled upon Aotearoa. They called it that because of the clouds in the sky above the island.

This was really fun and I would like some feedback please. It would be really helpful.

Respect in Sport.

For the past few days in HR we have been challenged to make something with out google slides. We also had to choose a value and then we had to choose what it was for. We are in groups as well. My group was Jaedun, Jessie, Kayden. We chose Respect in sport and we chose Biteable. Here one way to be Respectful in sport. Respect the referee and listen to their call or you will be kicked off the field. Here's the biteable we made. I would like some feedback so please comment.
Respect in sport on Biteable.

Wednesday 12 February 2020

8 Facts about Mars. Hur 3

For the past few days we have been learning about Mars. /We have to make a Dlo showing 8 Facts about Mars. Mars is a really cool planet even if we are going to fly up to Mars in 2025 that's still a really long time to wait. But still I have 8 facts about Mars. Here's a hint of one of them. There's some amount of rovers on Mars. Don't search the answer because that will be cheating. Doing this was really fun and easy. I have a question for you guys, whats a your favourite thing about Mars.
8 Facts about Mars on Biteable.

Monday 10 February 2020

The Martian. Hur 3

I the first week of school in Hur 3 our teachers let us watch the movie The Martian. The Martian is where there is a huge storm and they have to evacuate but one of them gets hit and gets left behind because they think hes dead. His name is Mark. He wakes up and finds a way to grow food because He doesn't have enough food to eat. Mark also finds a way to make water. It ends up blowing up in his face.

Mark goes into the pressure chamber to go inside but it explodes and he and the pressure chamber goes flying. All his potatoes die and he rages a bit. He covers the huge hole with a lot of duck tape and a big piece of plastic. Mark goes a head and counts all the potatoes he has left the last box he just couldn't count because the plastic was baggy and kept on going in and out and making a really annoying sound.

He was going to the Ares 4 landing site and make a shelter there but then he made contact with Earth because he found and rebuilt the satellite land finder. Then soon they were able to talk with their actual voice. He was in a small shuttle to get to the ship that the rest of the crew were in. They make a bomb and blow up one of the presser chambers to get to Mark faster but they were still to far away. So the commander goes out to try and get closer to him but she can't, so Mark goes Iron man mode and cuts his glove and the air goes flying and he closes his hand so he doesn't fly around and hurt himself, Mark aims and jumps out and blasts towards the commander.

Mark said some things about what he did on Mars to survive and once he finished and said, "Any question?" then everyone puts their hand up.He is safely taken back to the ship and they headed back to Earth. A few years later the next ship went to Mars.

My favorite part was were the presser chamber exploded. It links with our learning because they are making the Ares 1 to go o Mars and have a human to stand on Mars and do some tests.