
Thursday 30 September 2021

Hokey Pokey

For the last day of science we made some Hokey Pokey. Hokey pokey is a mixture of Sugar, Baking soda, and syrup.


1. 2 tablespoons of Golden Syrup

2. 4 tablespoons of sugar

3. I Heaped teaspoon of baking soda

4. A Pot

5. Tablespoon and teaspoon

6. Bunsen burner

7. Paper cups


1. Put 4 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of golden syrup in a saucepan and melt.

2. Bring to the boil and simmer gently for 5 minutes.

3. Add baking soda and stir vigorously.

4. Put the hokey pokey on a piece of grease prove paper to cool.


1. Why do we stir it? To mix it and to stop the sugar from burning

2. Explain why the hokey pokey rises and has bubbles? It's because the reaction let's off gas which then gets stuck. It rises because of the baking soda reacting.

Drama: Maui and the Fish

I drama we have done some freeze frames about the book Maui and the Fish. We did this in groups. My group includes, Vilar, Adrian, Caleb, and Tane. Here is what was happening in the video as well as the video. If you don't know what a freeze frame is it is something where you get into a position and stay there for a few seconds and then move to the next one.

We started off with Maui hiding in the waka. Then we moved to Maui jumping out and suprising the other brothers. Next we have him pulling up the giant fish. Last off is something we thought would've occurred after. We have Maui in a house. (Link to the video)
If the video doesn't work you may have to do a few things so it does.

Tuesday 28 September 2021

Kei te pehea koe?

 In wanaga we have been leanring about the phrase Kei te pehea koe which means How are you feeling? Here is what we learnt.

Wednesday 22 September 2021


 In science we are doing another pH test. This time we are using Universal indicator. Here is what we learnt.


Universal idicator

1M HCL (Hydrochloric acid)

1M NaOH (Sodium Hydroxide)

4 Test tubes

2 Boiling tubes

Test tube rack

2 Platsic pipettes


1. Take a test tube rack with 1 boiling tube at each end of the rack and 4 test tubes.

2. Half or quarter fill the boiling tube at one end with Sodium Hydroxide.

3. Half or quarter fill the boiling tube at the other end with Hydrochloric acid.

4. Fill each test tube with 5 drops of Universal idicator.

5. Using the pipettes you will add drops of the acid or alkaline to the test tubes to make colours of Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet.


Out of all the colours the only ones we didn't get was yellow.

Thursday 16 September 2021

Litmus experiment

 In science we are going to be using litmus paper to see if something is an acid or a base. Here is what we learnt and did.


1. Red Litmus paper

2. Blue Litmus paper

3. Sodium Hydroxide

4. Hydrochloric acid

5. Pipette

6. 4 Test tubes


1. Rip the litmus paper in half and put half in each test tube.

2. Add 3 drops of hydrochloric acid to the blue litmus paper in test tube 1.

3. Add 3 drops of hydrochloric acid to the red litmus paper in test tube 2.

4. Add 3 drops of Sodium Hydroxide to the blue litmus paper in test tube 3.

5. Add 3 drops of Sodium Hydroxide to the red litmus paper in test tube 4.

Conclusion and Findings

The blue litmus paper with hydrochloric acid went red.

The blue litmus paper with sodium hydroxide stayed the same.

The red litmus paper with hydrochloric acid stayed the same.

The red litmus paper with sodium hydroxide went blue.

In the end we didn't get told what the pH level was but we did get told if it was an acid or a base.

Wednesday 15 September 2021


In science we learnt somethings about acids. Here is what we learnt.

What is an acid?  An acid is a liquid that has a pH of between 1-7. It tastes sour and is used in batteries and in our stomachs.

What are 3 examples of acids? Lemons that have citric acid, viniger what is acetic acid, and batteries sulphuric acid.

Red Cabbage Indicator ecperiment


1. Red Cabbage

2. Beaker

3. Bunsen Burner

4. Pipette

5. Sodium Hydroxide

6. Hydrochloric acid

7. Test Tubes

8. Paper Towel

9. Test tube rack

10. Water

11. Floor cleaner

12. Dishwashing powder

13. Fabric softener


1. Chop up the red cabbage into small pieces. Place in a beaker and cover with a small amout of water.

2. Bring the solution to the boil using a bunsen burner and then turn off the heat. Let it sit to cool down.

3. Pour the cabbage water through a paper towel into a beaker. The dark purple liquid in the jar is the pH indicator liquid.

4. Suck up the indicator into the pipette.

5. Use the cabbage indicator and the pH chart below to test the acidity of the different three household liquids plus the hydrochloric acid and ammonium hydroxide.

Thursday 9 September 2021


 In science we are making some sherbet.

Baking Soda:

Baking Soda is also known as Sodium Bicarbonate. Due to its abravise and cleaning properties it is used as a raising agent in backing, as a household cleaner and in number of other ways. Here is 9 differnet ways you can use baking soda for cleaning.

1. Scrub away marks on the walls.

2. Underarm deodorant.

3. Clean and unclog smelly sinks.

4. Clean your tiles or grout.

5. Deoderise your kitty litter.

6. Cleaning your oven.

7. Wash build up out of your hair.

8. Deodrise your carpet.

9. Helps wash clothes.


Red cups

Teaspoon / Quater teaspoon

Icecream sticks


Icing sugar

Citric acid

Baking soda


1. Add 1 teaspoon of powdered drink crystals (eg Raro) into the cup

2. Then add 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid

3. After add 1 teaspoon of icing sugar

4. Then add 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda

5. Last off mix them together


1. Which two ingredients in the sherbet are involved in the reaction? Citric acid and Baking soda.

2. Which Ingredients are not involved? Icing sugar and Raro.

3. Can you think of any other chemical reaction that might happen in the kitchen? Becoming a rising agent?

4. Which ingredient is an acid? Citric acid which comes from things like lemons.

5. Which ingredient is a base? Baking soda.