
Wednesday 1 December 2021

Free writing

 In hur 3 we did some free writing. In a group we chose a who, what, when, where. For the who a person and some kind of beast, for the what there had to bee some kind of light source like a torch or a lantern, next the when was at 2:30am in the morning, and the where was in a dank, musty air, dark forest. My story is called The Dream. Here is the writing.

Tuesday 23 November 2021

Sleep and exercise for teenagers

Today we have been learning about sleep and exercise. We watched a video about this topic. We had to answer three different questions about the topic and the video. Here they are and my answers to them.

The first question is "Healthy food for teenagers" And we have already done this topic before. We made a eating plan for this. Here is the link.

The Next one is "Sleep - How much? Why?" The recommended amount of sleep for teenagers is 8 - 10 hours because it's good for your body and it helps you recharge and get ready for the next day.

The last question is some facts that we got from the video. Doing more physical activitys helps lower the risk of heart disease and circulatory disease by 35%. Once your blood has picked up oxygen it move to the muscles you are using.

Tuesday 16 November 2021

HHS 2021

Today we are doing blog posts about any positive thing that has happened to us this year at school. Inside or outside the classroom. Also some recommendations.

One positive thing I did was making some food in cooking. Because some of the food we made I hadn't had before.

Another is probably doing PE because we got to learn some different sports that some people probably didn't know the rules to. I didn't know somethings about the sports we did.

Next is doing science because I got to do a lot of fun things. Like making Hokey Pokey and lighting our hands on fire. We also learned about some cool things.

If you are coming to hornby high next year then there is a lot of people that you can get help from if your lost. So don't be affraid to go up and ask someone for directions. You can make friends really easily.

Wednesday 10 November 2021


In science we made sherbet again. Here is what we did.


1. A small cup

2. An icecream stick

3. 1 teaspoon spoon Raro (Jelly crystals of any type)

4. 1 teaspoon of icing sugar

5. 1/4 teasoon of baking soda

6. 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid 

7. A teaspoon


1. Add the Baking soda, sugar, citric acid, and raro crystals together in a cup.

2. Mix them together

3. Eat it

Wednesday 3 November 2021


In science we are doing another blind taste test. Here is all the stuff we did.

Experiment: Blind Taste testing


1. Samples 1-9

2. Blindfold glasses

3. Recording chart

4. Ice cream stick taster


1. Get saftey glasses and make a blindfold.

2. Set up your chart and make sure that the person you are working with knows where to record your responses.

3. Using an ice-cream stick you will dip it into the sample. Once the sample is on the stick you will taste it and tell you partner your response.

4. There will be 2 Answers

5. At taste test one you need to hold your nose.

Answer 1. Is it sweet, sour, salty, or bitter. Record it.

Answer 2. What do you think it is. Record it.

6. Repeat this for the next samples nut you will only need to use you iceream stick taster for samples 1-4.

Wednesday 27 October 2021

Chilli Tasting.

Today in science we had to make a blog post about chillies. We had to find 3 different videos and 5 fun facts about chilli. So here are the videos and facts.

1. Funny
2. Facts about chillies (Also has somethings about SHU)

5 Fun facts about chillies.
1. There are around 1 thousand different chillies in the world
2. Only mammals are sensitive to them.
3. Some parts of the pepper are hotter than the other.
4. Chilli peppers have a lot of vitamin c.
5. They are hot enough to "burn" through gloves.

1. Chilli sauce
2. Popsicle stick
3. Soda
4. Water
5. Milk

1. Get your equipment ready.
2. Get a drop of hot sauce on your popsicle stick.
3. Lick the Hot Chilli sauce.
4. Start the timer.
5. After 2mins, drink your drink.
6. After 5mins, how hot is your mouth?
7. Repeat the experiment but with a different drink.

The first time, I had milk and after 5 minutes I scored it at a 1/10 for burning.
The second time, Ken had Coca-Cola and after 5 minutes he scored it at a 6/10 for burning.
The third time, Dylan did water and after 5 minutes he scored it at a 1/10 for burning.

Tuesday 26 October 2021

What I did in the holidays.

 In hurumanu we did some wrting about what we did in the holidays. We did this off of the word SPILES. Here is what the words mean and what I did in the holidays.

S: Social, P: Physical, I: Intellectual, L: Likes, E: Emotional.

During the holidays I went to Kaikoura for 4 days and had a day break before I went to the West Coast for 6 days and ended up having 2 days to rest before going back to school.

While I was in Kaikoura I walked around with my mother and sister. But while I was at the coast I walked down the beach and walked down the road to the dairy to get their really nice boneless chicken. At some point I did my first volleyball practice with some friends.

I played a strategy game with my friends and I also did some reading. I also watched some youtube videos on something that I wanted to learn or do.

I liked eating the boneless chicken because they tasted really good and if I could I would have them again. I was excited to see the other people in the volleyball team because then I know who they are and what they know.

I felt really tired after being away for most of the holidays.

Friday 22 October 2021

Creating a brand

 In wananga we have been making a brand. We had to do a logo and a name with some other things if wanted. We put all the stuff we thought of on a mood board. Our brand is a lemonade stand called lemonade lounge. Here is our mood board.

Wednesday 20 October 2021


 In science we are doing an experimant with bacteria.

Aim: To learn about bacteria and how they grow.


1. Agar dish

2. Cotton bud swab

3. Vivid pen


1. Collect the bacteria on a cotton bud swab from taps, computer keyborads or desks.

2. Divide the agar in half by drawing a line on the lid.

3. Wipe the swab onto the agar solution.

4. Put the petri dish into the incubator for 1 week to allow the bacteria to grow.

5. Draw and label a bacteria.

6. Draw and label a scientific diagram of the experiment. 

Friday 1 October 2021

Maths Learning Story

In maths we did a learning story on what we have done. We had to think back to what we have learnt and write it down. Here is the learning story.

What We Did: 

  • We did a plan for our narrative writing where we could choose if we wanted to do Horror, Fantasy, or Myths and Legends.

  • We did some orientation in our planning to help us in our story.

  • We did some sequence of events for our story we are gonna write.

What I Learned: 

  • I learnt some more vocabulary so I could use it in some of my other work.

  • I learnt how to do a more detailed plan and how 

My Favourite Parts:

  • I liked doing the plan because I got to choose what topic it was and how many characters I could have.

  • I liked learning some new vocabulary because I can use it in a lot more stuff.

  • I also liked when I got to choose what is in my story.

My Next Steps:


CARR Values: 

Make a statement below describing how you showed each of our CARR values during this Hurumanu.


I got ready with all the equipment I needed.


I have finished my plan on time and went ahead to start writing my story.


I kept on going even if it was hard to think of something to put.


I respect my teachers even if they were a reliever.

Thursday 30 September 2021

Hokey Pokey

For the last day of science we made some Hokey Pokey. Hokey pokey is a mixture of Sugar, Baking soda, and syrup.


1. 2 tablespoons of Golden Syrup

2. 4 tablespoons of sugar

3. I Heaped teaspoon of baking soda

4. A Pot

5. Tablespoon and teaspoon

6. Bunsen burner

7. Paper cups


1. Put 4 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of golden syrup in a saucepan and melt.

2. Bring to the boil and simmer gently for 5 minutes.

3. Add baking soda and stir vigorously.

4. Put the hokey pokey on a piece of grease prove paper to cool.


1. Why do we stir it? To mix it and to stop the sugar from burning

2. Explain why the hokey pokey rises and has bubbles? It's because the reaction let's off gas which then gets stuck. It rises because of the baking soda reacting.

Drama: Maui and the Fish

I drama we have done some freeze frames about the book Maui and the Fish. We did this in groups. My group includes, Vilar, Adrian, Caleb, and Tane. Here is what was happening in the video as well as the video. If you don't know what a freeze frame is it is something where you get into a position and stay there for a few seconds and then move to the next one.

We started off with Maui hiding in the waka. Then we moved to Maui jumping out and suprising the other brothers. Next we have him pulling up the giant fish. Last off is something we thought would've occurred after. We have Maui in a house. (Link to the video)
If the video doesn't work you may have to do a few things so it does.

Tuesday 28 September 2021

Kei te pehea koe?

 In wanaga we have been leanring about the phrase Kei te pehea koe which means How are you feeling? Here is what we learnt.

Wednesday 22 September 2021


 In science we are doing another pH test. This time we are using Universal indicator. Here is what we learnt.


Universal idicator

1M HCL (Hydrochloric acid)

1M NaOH (Sodium Hydroxide)

4 Test tubes

2 Boiling tubes

Test tube rack

2 Platsic pipettes


1. Take a test tube rack with 1 boiling tube at each end of the rack and 4 test tubes.

2. Half or quarter fill the boiling tube at one end with Sodium Hydroxide.

3. Half or quarter fill the boiling tube at the other end with Hydrochloric acid.

4. Fill each test tube with 5 drops of Universal idicator.

5. Using the pipettes you will add drops of the acid or alkaline to the test tubes to make colours of Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet.


Out of all the colours the only ones we didn't get was yellow.

Thursday 16 September 2021

Litmus experiment

 In science we are going to be using litmus paper to see if something is an acid or a base. Here is what we learnt and did.


1. Red Litmus paper

2. Blue Litmus paper

3. Sodium Hydroxide

4. Hydrochloric acid

5. Pipette

6. 4 Test tubes


1. Rip the litmus paper in half and put half in each test tube.

2. Add 3 drops of hydrochloric acid to the blue litmus paper in test tube 1.

3. Add 3 drops of hydrochloric acid to the red litmus paper in test tube 2.

4. Add 3 drops of Sodium Hydroxide to the blue litmus paper in test tube 3.

5. Add 3 drops of Sodium Hydroxide to the red litmus paper in test tube 4.

Conclusion and Findings

The blue litmus paper with hydrochloric acid went red.

The blue litmus paper with sodium hydroxide stayed the same.

The red litmus paper with hydrochloric acid stayed the same.

The red litmus paper with sodium hydroxide went blue.

In the end we didn't get told what the pH level was but we did get told if it was an acid or a base.

Wednesday 15 September 2021


In science we learnt somethings about acids. Here is what we learnt.

What is an acid?  An acid is a liquid that has a pH of between 1-7. It tastes sour and is used in batteries and in our stomachs.

What are 3 examples of acids? Lemons that have citric acid, viniger what is acetic acid, and batteries sulphuric acid.

Red Cabbage Indicator ecperiment


1. Red Cabbage

2. Beaker

3. Bunsen Burner

4. Pipette

5. Sodium Hydroxide

6. Hydrochloric acid

7. Test Tubes

8. Paper Towel

9. Test tube rack

10. Water

11. Floor cleaner

12. Dishwashing powder

13. Fabric softener


1. Chop up the red cabbage into small pieces. Place in a beaker and cover with a small amout of water.

2. Bring the solution to the boil using a bunsen burner and then turn off the heat. Let it sit to cool down.

3. Pour the cabbage water through a paper towel into a beaker. The dark purple liquid in the jar is the pH indicator liquid.

4. Suck up the indicator into the pipette.

5. Use the cabbage indicator and the pH chart below to test the acidity of the different three household liquids plus the hydrochloric acid and ammonium hydroxide.

Thursday 9 September 2021


 In science we are making some sherbet.

Baking Soda:

Baking Soda is also known as Sodium Bicarbonate. Due to its abravise and cleaning properties it is used as a raising agent in backing, as a household cleaner and in number of other ways. Here is 9 differnet ways you can use baking soda for cleaning.

1. Scrub away marks on the walls.

2. Underarm deodorant.

3. Clean and unclog smelly sinks.

4. Clean your tiles or grout.

5. Deoderise your kitty litter.

6. Cleaning your oven.

7. Wash build up out of your hair.

8. Deodrise your carpet.

9. Helps wash clothes.


Red cups

Teaspoon / Quater teaspoon

Icecream sticks


Icing sugar

Citric acid

Baking soda


1. Add 1 teaspoon of powdered drink crystals (eg Raro) into the cup

2. Then add 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid

3. After add 1 teaspoon of icing sugar

4. Then add 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda

5. Last off mix them together


1. Which two ingredients in the sherbet are involved in the reaction? Citric acid and Baking soda.

2. Which Ingredients are not involved? Icing sugar and Raro.

3. Can you think of any other chemical reaction that might happen in the kitchen? Becoming a rising agent?

4. Which ingredient is an acid? Citric acid which comes from things like lemons.

5. Which ingredient is a base? Baking soda.

Friday 13 August 2021

Maths DLO

In maths we have been learning a few different things. We had to do a DLO on what we have done. We had to explane how to work it out and also show an example. Here is the slide show.

Thursday 12 August 2021

Performing arts

 In Drama we have been learning about different types of performing arts. Performing arts is something that you do by yourself or with a group. Performing arts comes in different forms. Here are some examples, Clowning, Slam Poetry, Musicals, and Opera. Performing arts comes as music, drama, or dance.

Wednesday 11 August 2021


In science we are learning about yeast. Here are some things about yeast.

Yeast is a type of fungi that is microscopic. It is shaped like an egg. Yeast has also been used for hundreds of years. Yeast has to be woken up from a hybornation state. Yeast is all around us, and it isn't just in a packet. When you make bread the yeast eats the sugar that then preduces gases that then expands the bread.

Ginger beer. Aim: To look at how yeast is used in foods.






Cloth Sieve


Plastic (PET) bottle and cap


Bug (For a group of 3)

50ml warm water

1/2 tsp active dried yeast

1/2 tsp sugar

1/2 tsp ground ginger

Ginger Beer (For 1 litre)

3/4 cup sugar

1/2 tsp cream of tartar

1L cold water

Juice of 1/2 lemon

1 tsp ginger beer bug


1. In a large bowl, put the sugar and cream of tartar, then add the warm water.

2. Stir to dissolve the sugar before adding the cold water.

3. Add the ginger beer bug to the large bowl of cold water.

4. Stir well and then pour into your clean bottle.

5. Label your bottle with your group names.

6. Place all the bottles in the class container.

7. Store in a cool, dark place for one week before drinking.

8. Make sure you open the bottle in the kitchen sink as it might overflow. Open the cap a bit by bit to allow the air to escape.

The ginger beer must be drunk over the 6 days.

Thursday 5 August 2021

Research about chilii and Chilli tasting.

In science we will be tasting chillies. Before we taste them we will be doing some research about them. Here is some things about chillies.

The thing that makes chillies hot is a chemical called capsaicin. Here are 3 different types of chillies.


Chilli pepper

Bell pepper

The top 6 hottest peppers and where they are grown is: Carolina Reaper and it is grown in FORT MILL, S.C., Trinidad Moruga Scorpian and it is grown in Moruga, Trinidad and Tobago, 7 Pot Douglah and it is grown in Trinidad, 7 Pot Primo and it is grown in UL Lafayette, Trinidad Scorpian "Butch T" and it is grown in Texas, Arizona, Florida, and all hot areas, and last is the Naga Viper which is gorwn in England.

The scoville heat scale is something that shows the heat or spiciness of a pepper. Here is a picture.

 My hypothesis is that the milk would probably work the best out of the three.

The three things we will be using to stop the heat will be Milk, Water, and Coca Cola.

The Equipment we will be using is, Milk, Water, Coca Cola, Tasting cup, and chilli.

The results: Milk had a small effect but it worked mostly straight away and if it didn't it would take the tast away after 3 minutes, CocaCola also had a small effect where it would either weaken or take away the taste and after 3 minutes it would take the taste away, The water didn't do anything and it just made it worse and after 3 minutes it took the taste away slightly.

Milk could be a solution when eating spicy foods - litterally. Tha'ts because milk helps your mouth handle capsicin, an oily compound in chilli peppers. Capsacin binds to a receptor in the tongue and creates a burning sensation. Casein protein found in milk can also bind to the capsacin and wash it away.

Thursday 29 July 2021

Blind Taste-Test

In Science we are doing a blind taste-test. The aim is to taste foods that are bitter, sour or salty. There are foods listed from A to I. The equipment we used was, blindfold glasses so we could see what we were having, recording chart to record what we tasted, and ice cream sticks to have the stuff on. We did this in pears. One person leaded and gave the other person the items to eat. The other person tried to tell the other person on what they thought the taste was and they also tried to guess what it was. Here is the method and my chart.

1. Get a buddy
2. Choose who is gonna be blind folded
3. Help the blind folded person around and use a ice cream stick to give them the things they have to taste
(Make sure you record what they think it is and what the taste is.)
4. Do the same but change the person around

Friday 9 July 2021

Stick draw research

 In Hur1 someone picked out a stick and then we had do to some research about it. This one was Natural Disasters. We chose one of four options. We chose the White Islands. I learnt how many people were hurt and how they recovoured. Here is the slide.

Thursday 8 July 2021

Bluetooth Speaker. Woodtech.

In Woodtech we have been making bluetooth speakers. We had the make these out of wood and a homemade circuit. Here are the steps that I took to make it.

1. Mark the holes for the nails to go in

2. Drill them out on the drill press, glue then nail the sides together

3. Paint your box

4. Glue mesh, solder the speakers to their wires and glue them in

5. Solder the resister to the short leg of the Led and otherside of the resister to the red wire of the battery pack

6. Solder an extra wire to the battery pack and the switch. The middle bit of the switch not the sides

7. Connect all the things to the chip to make sure it works (Remember batterys)

8. If it works stick the switch and the led through the holes you made and glue them in place and after glue the battery pack to the otherside of the box

9. Plug in the chip and close the box. You are basically done.

Standing up for our rights

Today in Hurumanu we are writing down words and then writing their meaning. Learning Outcome: Demonstrate how social messages and stereotypes can affect feelings of self-worth.

Discrimination: The act of treating some people unfairly because of prejudice.
Prejudice: An opinion formed without knowing all the facts.
Stereotypes: A standardised and oversimplified and inaccurate conception held by many people.
Protest: An objection of complaint. To express objection to or disagreement with, in a planned, organized way.
Social messaging: Passing of a message/idea from Person to Person in a community

The Dawn Raids:

-What happened?
Police went house to house checking to see if they actually belong in New Zealand.

-How did stereotyping and social messaging play a role in this incident?
It's cause people thought that black people were bad and overstayers so they blamed them for the reason they didn't have jobs. The black people would get raided in the middle of the night and forced them to show their passports or reasons why they should stay or should be there and if they didn't have a reason they would be diported this lead to the Polynesian Panthers to react on the situation and that made New Zealand a better place. This was because they told the govourment that it was terrible that they were doing what they were doing.

Tuesday 22 June 2021


For the past few weeks we have been making either a Crossword or a Kahoot about 12 different words. We had to right down a question and then the answer. This was for all words. I decieded to do a crossword because I have done a few kahoots before and I thought it would be better to switch up. If you want to play my Crossword here it is Link. If if doesn't send you straight to it click the top link and it will hopefully send you to it. You have to click on them and put in the letters by typing them (Hopefully you know that already). If you want to mark the work here are all 12 words that are in the Crossword. They aren't all in order. Last off, don't use these words to cheat because that's just weird and it means you didn't try. Persistence, Perseverance, Adaptibility, Barrier, Goal, Aspiration, Resilience, Achievement, Respect, Empathy, Integrity, and Commitment.

Monday 21 June 2021

Promoting outstanders

 In Hurumanu 1 we had to do a task about bullying. We got to do a Photogenic or a Digi Poster. I decieded to do a Photogenic. We had to do it in a group of about 4. We had to take a few photos on what a bullying scenario would be. We had to put who is the bully, enabler, outstander, and bystander. Here is the slide with the pictures we took.

Tuesday 15 June 2021

STEAM Project

 In Wananga we have strated a kete called STEAM. STEAM stands for, Science, Technology, Enginering, Arts, and Maths. This kete is about Hornby 2050 and how we have to think of a way to make Hornby better and more livable in 2050. The problem that I thought of was Global Warming and how it's making the Sea Levels rise. I was thinking that we could use seaweed or kelp you can find on beaches to make some sort of Biofuel to power cars and other things. Or we could filter seawater heaps of times to make is drinkable. This could then be able to be shiped or just sent away to other countries so they could water their crops and so they do dehidrate.

This is the slide I made for the problem(s).

Tuesday 1 June 2021

CARR Values

In Hurumanu 2 we have been talking about our school values what are Commitment, Achievement, Resilience, and Respect. We are writing down what these values are and what they mean. Heres the values and what they mean.

Commitment: Your on time you have all your equipment for what you are learning and you have a positive attitude for learning. 

Achievement: Doing your best work you can do, aiming high and Achievement looks different for each every person.

Resilience: Having the confidences to try new things, not giving up on your work or what your doing and saying to yourself, "I can do it!"

Respect: You respect other people places you go, the things you use and other people's beliefs. Beliefs like Christianity.

Friday 28 May 2021

10 Fun Facts About Wellington.

 Today in Hurumanu 2 we are doing something where the teacher pulls out a stick with a name of something on it. Then you have to research it and find 10 fun facts about that thing or place. Today we got Wellington so here are 10 fun facts about it.

1. Wellington I actually the southernmost capital in the world.

2. Wellingtons nickname is Windy Wellington because how windy it is.

3. You may think it's a joke but the Bee Hive was drawn on the back of a napkin as a joke. Not for a second did the designer think that it would be built.

4. With the steep streets in the Wellington city, the people who live there are known to be the fittest people in New Zealand. With 11 percent of people continuing to walk on foot to work. This is really weird.

5. Suprisingly Wellington is home to the worlds biggest wooden Govermental buildings in the world and also the finest.


Just note I haven't finished and I'll finish it later.

Tuesday 25 May 2021

The Bully poem

 In hurumanu 1 for the 10 minute work we got to read a poem about a bully. Here's the link to the poem if you want to read it yourself "Link". This poem made me think about the bully as a lonley one has no friend's and always trys to keep his reputation up, the bad type of reputation by going around looking for the weak. Bully's would never go for the older or stronger because they always know that they would never win because there is always a big power difference. If I ever say this bully I would probably ignore him or if hes trying to hurt someone get someone who can help with the situation. I would also walk away from him and try to ignore him by not looking at him.

Meanings of 5 words.

  1. Assertive - You state firmly with authority.
  2. Passive - Not active, not resisting or fighting against the person whos attacking.
  3. Aggressive - Likly to attack or fight.
  4. Boundaries - It is where you have a limitation on where you can go or what you can do.
  5. Conflict - It is where you fight, struggle or disagree with something or someone.

Wednesday 7 April 2021

My Pepeha

In Hurumanu 1 we have been doing a lot of things about us. We have been doing a pepeha about us and our family. Heres is my Pepeha. I wasen't able to get pictures for it though.

Friday 26 March 2021

Local Heros

 In Hur 1 we have been looking at our Local heros. We have been looking at two huge things. One is the Mosque attack and the other one is the huge Earth Quake in 2011. There was Multiple people we could choose from but I chose St Johns from the Earth Quake. There was a lot of things they had to do. Here is my writing about it. If you have any suggestions on what to do or on any things that need to be added please give me a comment about it.

Interveiw with a hero.

 In Hur 1 we have been looking at who has changed our world and is a hero in our world. I did Mr Martin Luther King. We had to do at least ten questions a Start and a End. You could do one of someone who is alive or someone who is dead. If they are dead just pretend that they are alive. So here is my Interview.

Thursday 25 February 2021

Black and white logo Research

 In art we have been looking at black and white logos. We got 6 to 10 logos and we wrote about three of our favourites and what type of logo they are. There is a Combination logo what is the name with a picture. Emblem what is something what is just a basic picture logo that is something about the company like nike. Wordmark what is just words or just the name. Lettermark what will have only letters and doesn't have the full name. Last is the Symbol what is a a picture that is really nice and stylized. Heres the slide with the logos I chose.