
Thursday 12 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey Teaser week

Today in homeroom time we have been doing the teaser week activitys for the Summer Learning Journey. I did the Pepeha you can do it in any language I did it in Moari (Because thats the main language for me to do) It was pretty easy because I've done a Pepeha before. I have got some picture for all of the sentace's and a translated verson next to the Moari version. At the end you might get a bit mixed up because I did a little twist. Write in the comments what you think it is. The easy part was getting the pictures and the hard part was probable getting the translations.

Thursday 5 December 2019

How to Identify a FAKE Website/Email

In cybersmart we have been learning how to know if an email or site is real or fake. some people don't really know if their email is real or fake. So look at the beggining and check if they know your name and check if, you've actually done something with there company if you have look for your name. Also look for disturbing links. Now how to find out if a website is fake or not. Check at the search bar and check if theres https:// with a green lock. If theres not a lock check the whole search bar, if theres space the site is fake and if theres a not the https:// it's fake. So I have a challenge... If you can find out if this site is real or not comment down below! Tree Octopus

Friday 29 November 2019

Te reo. Kei hea te pukapuka?

Today in Te reo/homeroom time we have been learning about how to say where is (any object) In Te reo maori. We learnt to also say where is more then one thing of the same object and where a person is. The Te reo Maori words for them is Te, Ngā, and a. We had to do a sheet what had object (In Te reo Maori) and peoples names. What we needed to do was fill in the empty spots in between the name of the object and the persons name. Once we finished we have to stick it in our progect book and yeah. I found easy was finding out what one out of Te, Ngā, and a to use and I found hard was finding out the names for the objects.

Friday 22 November 2019


Today in homeroom time our teacher Mrs Mcguinniety talked to us about Kennings. Kinnings is where you have two senteces that start with "A" and ends with "er". It's pretty much giving some questions but without and answer so they have to guess. Heres and ecsample for a pig "A Stink maker, A mud lover." It's pretty fun making them because we also had to do a picture so yeah. The easy part was making the picture but the hard part was finding some words. Try and figure mine out! Please comment when you do.

Tuesday 19 November 2019


Today in maths strand we have been learning about time. We had to write down a table that had places (What are real places) and Departure times. We had to figure out some questions by using to table with the times and places. One of the questions is: How long does it take to get from Leatherhead to Epsom? The answer is 5 minutes. The easy part was figuring out the answers but the hard part was making to table.


For the last few weeks in homeroom time we have been doing art. Theres seven things to art. But we did texture. Texture is pretty much a zentangle. It's where you scetch the out line of what you want to draw in or around. What is texture you ask? It's what it feels like you you think it may feel like. Before we could draw what we were going to draw in or around we had to do a sheet what has different things we had to draw. Once we finished we draw what we wanted to draw in or around and do different textures in or around. The hard part was the sheet but the easy part was drawing the texture in the first letter of my name.

Thursday 14 November 2019

Surfing at Sumner beach!

On friday the year five's and six's went to Sumner beach. We were met by some people from learn to surf. It was because we were going to be taught how to surf. We were also going to learn how to body board. We learnt what all things were on the surfboards and body boards. Once we did that we got split into our homerooms and got split again into teams. The teams were Dolphins and Seals. Mrs mcguinniety's homeroom was going to be the first ones in the water. Before we could get into the water we had to get our wet suits and then our teams would be placed in the body boarding or surfing team for the time till we had to go in. We put our wet suits on I got to be in the body boarding team. we had to put on pink vest like things. The seals put on yellow ones. We picked up a body board and the seals picked up their surf boards. We went over to the water and we started to catch some awesome waves. The water was freezing but I got over it. The easy part was getting on the board but the hard part was getting a wave because you kept tipping over the surfboard. Here are some pictures of our trip to sumner beach!

Tuesday 22 October 2019

How to be safe online.

Today in cyber smart we have been making a Biteable, Powtoon and Canva to make something that teach's people about how to be safe online. I chose to use Biteable because I am really good at using it. Before we made it we watched a video what teached us about how to be safe online. It also told us three things about how to be safe and what to do if we are on an online game. The hard part was making the Biteable but the easy part was doing this blog post. Here's the Biteable I hope you enjoy!
How to be safe online on Biteable.

Friday 27 September 2019

Activity One. um learning journey

For activity one of the um learning journey you have to write ten healthy food you haven't tried before.
The other thing is that we have to try and have every food not start with the same letter.Here are my ten healthy food I haven't tried before.

1. Brussels sprouts.
2. Pumpkin.
3. Squash.
4. Kumara.(Sweet potatoes.)
5. Rocket.
6. Avocado.
7. Tomato's.
8. Bell pepper.
9. Coconut meat.
10. Cauliflower.

Monday 23 September 2019

Fill someones bucket.

Today in home room time our teacher Mrs Mcguinniety gave us a challenge. The challenge is to fill someones bucket before Friday. You can do it more than once well if you didn't that will just be odd. Mrs Mcguinniety told us to choose three things from the piece of paper we made last week what had a few ways to fill someones bucket. Then we had to put the three things on a google drawings with some pictures. The hard part was making the pictures and the easy part was finding out three ways to fill someones bucket.

Friday 13 September 2019

Don't always use said.

For the last few weeks in phonics we have been trying to a biteable, animation or a poster about said. Said is a boring word to always use because it doesn't express the felling that the character is saying what you write down. I did a biteable on this so here its. The hard part was probable going to have to be making the biteable but the easy part was making this blog post.
Don't always use said on Biteable.

Alien Invasion

 For the past few weeks the yellow groups has been figuring out some Maths questions. The questions are about an alien invasion what has appeared in Manford city. First we had to find out where the aliens have landed by listening to a radio report and news report. Then we had to find out some other questions. The hard part was finding out where all the alien ships had landed but the easy part was doing the Zoo sheet. We haven't finished but we are still working on it.(Probable right now!)

Nest Eggs. Reading graphs.

Today in Maths strand we have been learning about graphs. But today we had to answer and make the questions. First we had to make the key what was a hole chicken was 10 eggs and half a chicken was 5 eggs. Then we had to make the graph what had the days of the week and how many eggs were layed in each day. We also had to do a graph what was a summer one what was twice the amount of eggs in each day. The hard part was making the graphs and the easy part was doing the questions.

Friday 6 September 2019

Weekly Wrap

Today we have been using Canva to make a weekly wrap. A weekly wrap is to wrap up all the stuff have done the whole week. It's a great thing to do on a Friday because it's much and I mean much easier. The hard part was trying to get pictures for it but the easy part was writing it.

Friday 30 August 2019

Biteable South Hornby School

Today we have been doing cybersmart Biteable again to say about what is great about South Hornby. This one is probable the easiest one but fun at the same time. South Hornby is a great place to work. This time is challenging because we could only use one lot of scenes what was hard but easy. If you want to use Biteable your self just search Biteable in the search bar and press enter. Here's my second one.

South Hornby School on Biteable.

Canva Bookmark

Today we have been making a bookmark on Canva. The bookmark is about the weather. We had to put the question how is the weather today? in Moari first at the top. Next we had to to put Kei Te... and that's how you start saying the answer. Then we had to write four different answers/weathers on the bookmark. The hard part was writing the words and the easy parts was the pictures.

Fossil Facts

For the last few weeks in Inquiry we have been learning all about Fossils. Miss Williamson passed along the circle a shark jaw. The jaw was a pale colour. After it around the circle with some other stuff we had to find out Eight facts about fossils. We also had to make the shark jaw on google drawings or by hand. The easy part was finding out the facts but the hard part was making the the shark jaw.

Thursday 29 August 2019


For the last few weeks we haven't been using slide shows. The reason why is because we always use it to present stuff. The downside of Biteable is that there's a three minute time limit. You can add music but that's only if you want to. (Not recommended.) Each section you can only have thirty words, spaces and punctuation. Here's one to show you what it's like.
All About Me on Biteable.

Friday 9 August 2019

Make and create the decimal numbers

Today in Maths we have been learning to make decimals. Mrs McGuinnitey wrote down five decimals numbers on the white board. After she wrote them we had to make them by making rectangles with ten boxes in them. I learnt who to make decimal numbers. The hard part was doing the hundredths and the easy part was making the tenths.

Mission To Mars

In inquiry we were challenged to research and plan a mission to Mars. We watched NASA videos. We read lots of articles about space travel and Mars. We learnt what humans would need to survive on Mars. Oxygen, houses, food, water, protection from radiation, heat/warmth and entertainment.

This is my groups plan of how we would survive on Mars.

Wednesday 7 August 2019

Phonics-Flip Book

In Phonics I made a Flip Book. The Flip book was about parts of speech. Every flap there is a word like adjective and pronoun. We had to colour it in so you can still see the writing. Once we finish we cut in between each of the flaps so you could lift them up. Then we glued under the long column and stuck to a plane peace of paper. Then cut it out again and wrote under each flap what they were. The hard part was cutting it out and the easy part was writing what they were. I learnt today what a pronoun and adverb.

Tuesday 30 July 2019

Find a fraction of a number

Today for Maths we have been learning about Fractions. We had to find the fraction of a number. eg. 3/7 of 35. It was very tricky but me and my friend Dylan helped each other and we managed to complete it. Here are some of the questions we had to figure out.

Friday 5 July 2019

Maths-Directions and Coordinates

In Maths we have been learning about Directions and Coordinates. We have been using the vocabulary North, South, East, West. We had to make a Treasure hunt. Can you follow our instructions to find the treasure?

Broken: Rock, Paper, Scissors

In writing we have been writing about one of the characters in the story/movie Broken. It's about three people a fairy who is paper, a golem who is rock and a metal person who is scissors. I chose scissors because I like how they are so useful. The hard part was the writing but the easy part was making this blog post.

The dawn came I jumped and went for a creepy walk. I was walking chopping down trees and chopping everything in my path. Once I chopped at least sixteen trees I saw a fairy, it was paper! I walked fast and fast after her but out of nowhere rock rolled from the mountain. He tried to make her come with him to get away from my but she didn’t budge. By then I was half why to them he grabbed her hand and yanked her but he immediately let go because paper bets rock so he whispered to her,
 “Come on, he's going to get you.” so she ran with him.  I was starting to get more angry so I sliced and diced everything and anything. They ran all the way through the forest but they came to a stop because there was a huge mountain in front of them. They were not thinking that I was right behind them, dragging my sword along the ground. I was right behind two trees I got my fingers and put them on two sides of a flower and I snipped it off and sliced the two trees what I was hiding behind and walked towards the two. Paper looked at me for a second I thought she was going to give up but she flew at like a fighter jet but I sliced her wings in half and paper crashed to the ground and rock ran over to see if she was okay. I tried to chop rock but he was too hard he got really angry so he tried to punch me two times I dodged both so he jumped up, up into the air and crushed me into a metal pancake lying on the floor. And that was the end of the life of me but it’s not over…

My Pepeha

For the term in Maori we have been making a Pepeha. It has been fun making ours because we got to make or take pictures of our family. The hard part was probable finding the photos but the easy was writing everything. The pepeha was a little easy because I finished quickly well not that quick because I needed to find the photos.

Monday 1 July 2019

The Seven Stars of Matariki-Maths

Today in Maths we looked at a photo if the 7 stars of Matariki. We talked about polygons. Polygons are shapes. We had to use the position of the stars to create different shapes. The most simple shape I made was a triangle. The most complex or difficult polygon I made was my 7 one.

Thursday 27 June 2019


For the last week we have been doing inquiry. For inquiry Mrs McQuinnietys group have been doing four different activity's. The first activity was making a parachute for a Lego figure jumping from a bean stalk. The next one was making a tower out of news paper and masking tape to hold a, basket ball for 10 seconds. The one after that was you had to make a a car out of a plastic bottle to hold an egg and go down a ramp without breaking the egg. The last one was you had to make a bridge what can hold a cup with one hundred cent coins in it. (Or 340g) We didn't get to test because of illness.

Friday 21 June 2019

grid map

Today in strand Maths we had to make a map 8 by 8. We had a star in the middle and it was a person what we had to make and crazy path the a question mark. We could only use 90 degrees, 180 degrees, 270 degrees and 360 degrees. After we finished we got a partner and we went outside and used a big grid (Not that big) and made our partner step it out. The grid was drawn with chalk so we kept on having to draw some of the lines again. The hard part was writing the instructions and the easy part was making the map.

Thursday 20 June 2019

Who am I?

For the past few days in literacy we have been writing a who am I about yourself. We had to use as many similes and metaphors as possible, for example They've got brown eyes brown as oiled wood. First we wrote the Guess who then we printed it and last we drew a picture and stuck a piece of paper over it. I found easy was writing things about me and the hard part was drawing a picture.

Thursday 13 June 2019

Sticking together. Place Value Addition

Today for Maths we have been learning to solve big problems using place value. We found some of the bigger problems were harder but some were easy. Has your Maths class done place value addition before? Please comment if you have.

Tuesday 11 June 2019

The Lost World

For the last few days we have been doing a buddy writing. It's been really fun doing it and writing about a story. I'm in a group with Jed and Lucas. What we have been writing about The Lost World. It's about when the main character James goes to The Lost World. Here's our writing so far because we haven't really finished. I will update this when I have finished this story.

There once was a kid that was named James. That had a Mum and Dad that would tell stories about the, lost city of Atlantis before James goes to school. One day at school he went to the main hall then saw, a girl who was named Sally who had a key stone, on her necklace but when
James saw her he saw a kid named Jerome. He went up to James and shoved James in his locker and said, “What you looking at four eyes?” But James didn’t reply Jerome said, “I said what, are you, LOOKING AT!” then James said “I just want to have a drink at the water fountain and I,
need these glasses so my eyes will not get hurt from the sun and because I don’t have good vision.” The next day James went to school

again without his glasses but when, he was about to go inside his school he saw a glow a blue watery glow at the back of the school. So he snuck

to the of the back of the school, then peeked at the back of the school then saw Sally, but she looked different she had blue glowing tiger eyes, elf ears, webbed feet, and a spear, then her stone glowed then there was a portal, then she jumped into it then James gasped then he ran into the

Portal then he was in water, then tried to get to the top of the sea then was running out of breath then stopped, then didn’t make it but didn’t suffocate he was breathing, in the water then he screamed then he said, “Woooow!” then he went to the top of the sea then saw nothing except

the sun, and the clouds he went back under the sea then saw Sally she went inside a hole, then he swam down there to the hole then he went inside. Once he swam through he froze in a shock because he saw a city underwater. It was Atlantis! Then he swam to it then saw mermaids,
mermaids and so much fish then James talked to a merman and said, “What is this place?” then the merman said, “This is Atlantis.” than James whispered, “I knew it!” then he explored the city he saw markets, homes, hotel, and a big palace. James saw another merman then said

What is this palace then the merman said, “it is the Alisia palace” then Jame swam closer To the palace. Then went closer then there merguards that stopped James then said, “Where do you think your going kid?” Then james said, “I want to go in the palace” The merguards

said, “Sorry your not allowed to go in because there's a meeting inside.” then James elbowed the guards

Friday 31 May 2019

Going on a bear hunt

In Maths we are learning about directions. We listened to the story Going on a bear hunt. We picked out the obstacles in the story. We then drew a map of the story. We had to carefully think about where the obstacles were so that they covered up the hole page. Then we had to write directions from the house to cave. We had to use North, East, South and West.
Directions: Start at the house. Go East for 200 meters towards the waving grass. Then go West for 100 meters towards the river. Next go North for 3 meters then, go East for 190 meters to the mud pit. After that go 300 meters towards the dark and creepy forest. Now go North East for 110 meters to the ice cold snow storm. Last go West 100 meters towards the bears cave.

Monday 27 May 2019

Oink and Cluck

Today and on Friday we have been doing a problem in buddies. The name of it is Oink and Cluck. So someone is driving along the road but then tones of pigs and chickens were in front of his car. He counted 36 legs so we had to turn that into the amount of pigs and chickens there are. So a pig has four legs and a chicken has two. It's a little hard to find out how many there is but we manage to get four. My buddy was Mitchel. We found three answers what we got doing this.
4x9=36 so there's 9 Pigs.
2x18=36 so there's 18 Chickens.
18+18=36 so there's 4 Pigs and 7 Chickens.
20+16=36 so there's 10 Chickens and 4 Pigs.

Thursday 23 May 2019

The cover and the back cover of my book

Today we have been making book cover what is going to be the front and back of a pobble book. Mine is about a white seals adventure and the seals name is Glen. The name of the book is Glen the white seals adventure! If you want to use a picture from pobble just search pobble 365. It's has so much things to do and you can use it when ever you want! That the best part the hard part is...     ...Nothing! If you want to make something off of  a picture it's for you. This slide show has the ideas for my front and back of my book. The hard part was probable the seal for the front and the easy part is the snow. You can be really creative with it you can go from a dragon to a horse to a white seal what I'm doing.

Friday 17 May 2019

little red riding hood coordinates

Today in maths strand we have been finding where things from a map on paper. we had to do two things one was finding where 5 pictures are and write next to the ones on the top of the paper where they are. The second one was we had to draw some pictures where they tell you where they need to be drawn. At the bottom was some numbers and on the left side was the letters. We had to follow them to get where we need to. The hard part was drawing the pictures and the easy part was writing where the pictures are.

Thursday 9 May 2019

Book Creator

These two days we have been doing Literacy. If we finish doing are thing we need to do. After we finished we got to do can do's. The can I did was a writing one. The site what I went on is book Creator. Book Creator is a site where you can join a library or make one. You can make a comic to a book but only thing is make it yours. My one is called If you find a book pick it up and read it. It's about a circle what finds a book laying on the ground and wants the circle to read it. It's was really easy to make but the hard part was thinking of ideas.

Friday 3 May 2019

How the create a fortune teller.

For the last few weeks we have been learning how to make a fortune teller and making instructions to make one. Mine might not be correct just comment and tell me please and I'll change it. Making this is really fun and easy but the hard part is doing the instructions correctly.
How to make a fortune teller.
  1. Get your square piece of paper and fold it in half and then undo it so it’s flat and fold it in half the other way, the undo that so there’s two lines through the middle.
  2. Next you want to fold it diagonal so it’s a triangle then undo that then fold it the other way so it’s a triangle then undo that again the other way.
  3. Now you want to fold the corners into the middle and then flip it over and fold the corners into the middle again.
  4. From here flip it over and fold it in half. Now put your fingers in the flaps and push them together. Now you are done!

Thursday 2 May 2019

Two-digit Targets.

For maths today my group the yellows have been doing some independent games. The game I did was Two-digit Targets. When you play the game you get numbers 0 to 9. You can only use each number once and what you need to do is, put all of them in at least one box to make the biggest even number and odd number, closest to 50, smallest odd number and largest multiple of 5. It's really hard but it's fun trying to do. The easiest part was the largest even number and the hardest was the largest multiple of 5.

Thursday 4 April 2019

battle of words. Heather Christie

For the past few weeks we have been reading some novels. My group have been reading a battle of words. A battle of words is a great book for everyone. But for this we had to look deeper into the character by using three charts like a word investigation, I wonder... and a character inference chart. It's been really fun reading this book because there is so much problems and so much answers. My favorite part was probable the end but I'm not going to spoil it for you if you want to read it.

Thursday 28 March 2019


For the last few weeks we have had to do a challenge to do a hide and seek writing and and this prediction. We have to do it before Friday this week so I just got this post in time. For the prediction we had to predict what was going to happen, what happened, what is happening. Once we did that we had to show a friend and they would check if they said it was okay and you didn't need fix anything you go and show the teacher. Now here is my work.

Tuesday 26 March 2019

Biteable All About Me

In the past few weeks in cybersmart we have been using Biteable instead of slides to show all about me. Biteable is a site that you can make scenes with moving pictures. You type your sentience in what can only be 80 letters and spaces so you have a limit but you can make a new scene with a new picture. It's really fun and the easiest was making it but the hardest part was probable putting it on my blog. Now here's my Biteable. Next will be my South Hornby School one.
All About Me on Biteable.

Monday 25 March 2019

Hide and Seek

This week we have been picking a hiding spot and someone else took a photo of the spot we were in. Then we had to inform or to instruct or to entertain who ever reads it. So I decided to instruct the ready to my spot in the classroom. We also needed to make a map so I made a quick and easy one with shapes. When I finished this is what I ended up with.

Thursday 21 March 2019

Hide and seek outside

This week in Mr Breaches literacy we found a hiding spot outside and we wrote to either inform, entertain or make a map to show where to find your hiding spot. I found it easy to find my hiding spot but I found it hard to use describing words.

Tuesday 19 March 2019


Today have been learning and using are prior knowledge what is kindness. It's like when you use your manners and use complements to be kind to others it's also when you help someone out with something. When you also smile and others look at you they will also smile because it's contagious like a cold. Here is one thing you could see in an add little can be huge what is really true. After we had to get in groups of three and right down what it is. Then we talked about them then we made a poem using what we learnt. The hardest thing was probable the poem and the easiest was thinking of what is kindness.

Thursday 7 March 2019


This morning peter from Canterbury hockey. He came over to teach us some stuff about hockey. We learnt how to dribble and it was easy because we had to just pretend that it was stuck to the stick. next we learnt how to stop and dodge others by turning the hockey stick the other way you have to get good at it so it's not hard because it's a little hard when you first try it. After that we played a game like "Rob The Nest" it was really fun, cause peter called out the numbers of some people then they got to go out and get a ball from the middle and they had to dribble it back then stop it at the right time then if they have time they can go again, but if their is no more balls you can go after the other teams balls. By then after a we while it was time for the other class time. The stopping was really easy but the challenging part was the stop then go in a different direction. Here are some pictures what I think are a little bit cool.

Thursday 21 February 2019

Introducing Me

I hope you like this I worked hard on this. Well not that hard and I really like this. My favorite is the monkey bars do you? they are very fun. This is for 2019 but it's really cool. I found hard trying to get the same as me but it was easy to do the text.